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3 Articles

What’s happening right now!

Posted by Isabella Tomasulo on

Right now across America laws and bills are being passed to either outlaw abortions or to regulate them. I read an article about a woman who lives in Georgia who used to protest when Roe v Wade was going through our court system and she was talking about how she never would have to pull out the pins she first wore when she was protesting in the 1970s. The pin had a hanger on it with a big red slash going down the hanger representing how woman resulted to having an abortion back then before the law was passed.

#111-19902 #history #life

How to deal with opposing opinions.

Posted by Isabella Tomasulo on

I am pro-life so I deal with a lot of opinions from a lot of people and thats okay. Not everyone in this world is going to agree one hundred percent on anything. My advice to you would be to just listen what the other person has to say and why they believe what they are so strongly talking about and then sit there without getting loud or fighting with one another and just talk calmly about your differences in opinion and who knows maybe you will look at certain things you once believed in a little differently. My cousins and I always buttheads on this topic they are pro-choice and like I said earlier I am pro-life but does that mean I love them any less? Most definitely not I love to hear what my cousin Jackie has to say about this topic and she has definitely made me think different on a couple of things. One thing in my opinion that has changed is that I don’t think abortions should be banned as a whole I think they need to be regulated such as when there is a heart beat I don’t believe we should proceed with the abortion, but if the woman still does not want the child I believe there needs to be a system set up where they can set their child up into an adoption so from the moment they are born they have a nice loving family and aren’t thrown into the system.

#111-19902 #opinionsmatter #tolerance

Why you should get involved!

Posted by Isabella Tomasulo on

So I believe you guys my readers should get involved or at least interested in this topic because this topic affects everyone. It can effect you or your family or maybe someone close to you like a friend. You should have at least some knowledge of the subject and have you own opinion so if the occasion ever arrived where somebody you knew was struggling with the news of pregnancy and they didn’t know what to do you can give them both sides of the abortion argument whether your pro-life or pro- choice so they don’t feel that you are shoving your point of view onto them and they have more anxiety than before.

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